Fairmile Probus Club Walk – Tuesday 23 January 2024
From The Old Plough, Stoke d’Abernon to Downside Common and Back
Meet at 10.15 for a 10.30 start at:
The Old Plough Car Park, 2 Station Rd, Stoke D'Abernon, Cobham KT11 3BN
Tel: 01932 862244
The Old Plough offers full lunch and light lunch menus catering to broad tastes (see
menus attached). To maintain the reservation of the large table booked for us at
12.30, we are asked to order and pay a £10 deposit for our lunch when we assemble
before the walk.
Given the timing of our gathering for the walk, there should be plenty of parking
space in the Old Plough car park.
. The Walk
In view of the amount of heavy rain experienced in early January, two other walks
considered late last year remain waterlogged and muddy and are viewed as more
suitable for the summer. This winter walk has been selected since the surface
underfoot is largely firm, the paths are well used, and, apart from the start in Stoke
d’Abernon, avoids public highways. The route is essentially flat, with no stiles. This is
a circular walk of about 3.5 miles starting out from the Old Plough car park. Although
the walk is currently dry, stout walking shoes/boots are recommended.
Our route will take us along Station Road to Bray Road, thence left into the Tilt,
bearing left by the cemetery into Bridge Lane, crossing the Ashford footbridge over
the Rover Mole, and thereafter following River Lane for about a mile, passing
extensive acres of the Cobham Park on both sides, until reaching Cobham Park
Road. River Lane is used by walkers regularly, and we may also encounter a few
cyclists, but no motor vehicles.
On reaching Cobham Park Road we bear west for about ½ mile, then take the gated
path to the Water Pump at the eastern end of Downside Common. Our route then
skirts the Common before turning west along a (probably slightly damper) footpath to
The Cricketers, where refreshments will not be available since currently it does not
open until midday.
From the Cricketers we can retrace our steps directly or have the option of
completing a circuit of Downside Common back to the Water Pump, whence we
retrace our route back to the Old Plough.