Tillingbourne/Albury Park/Albury Heath/Albury Village
Meet at 10.15 for a 10.30 start at:
The Drummond at Albury, Albury Village, GU5 9AG
Tel 01483 202039
The Drummond offers a lunch menu catering to broad tastes (see Lunch Menu attached)
To maintain the reservation of the large table booked for us at 12.30, we are asked to
order and pay for our lunch when we assemble before the walk.
There is plenty of parking space in the ‘Additional’ Car Parking area, across the stream
behind the Drummond.
The Walk
This is a circular walk of up to 2 hours starting out from the Drummond car park. There
has been a lot of rain and you are advised to wear stout walking shoes/boots: although the
paths are well used, some parts will inevitably be muddy, although paths likely to be
flooded will be avoided. A local walking guide describes the walk as ‘medium difficulty;
mainly flat with some climb’.
Our route will take us along the roadside footpath to Albury Park where we can visit the
Saxon church. From the church we follow a public footpath up the hill until we cross New
Road to reach Albury sports ground.
From the sports ground, we will follow a track alongside ‘Kiln Rough’, pass beneath the
railway bridge, and just beyond Ford Farm take the footpath across a field beside the
watercress beds over a stile to Blackheath Lane.
At this point we have two options:
- (a) A direct, and the shortest route back to Albury Village along Blackheath Lane; or
- (b) Initially follow Blackheath Lane, and then return to Albury Village via Albury
Warren and Warren Lane, adding about 20 minutes.
A map showing options (a) and (b) is enclosed.
The Drummond at Albury (GU5 9AG) is on the right-hand side of the A248 heading west
toward Chilworth. Approached from Newlands Corner (A25), turn right by Silent Pool on to
the A248: Albury is about 1 mile from that junction.
Leader: Andrew Pocock (contact by 01932 863084 or 077712 87257 or email
alipocock46@gmail.com). Please let Andrew Pocock know in advance by email if
you plan to join us so that an appropriate reservation can be made at the
Drummond. Of course, your partners would be most welcome to join us.
If you cannot make the walk, please come along and join us for lunch at the
Drummond (Tel: 01483 202039) where a table has been reserved in the name of
Andrew Pocock